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毕业论文 新洋机械厂营销人员绩效评估体系的建立

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The establishment of marketing staff’s performance evaluation system of Xinyang Machinery Factory
Abstract: The establishment of marketing staff’s performance evaluation system especially crucial to a company is important to every company.. Enterprise product marketing personnel are the key factors to achieve successful marketing, and play a very important role in the products currency conversion. How to fully mobilize the marketing staff enthusiasm, enhance the job satisfaction of marketing staff, establish a good performance evaluation system, manufacturers are in urgent need of solution for each problem.
In this paper, the theory in practical ways, through the new marketing staff foreign machinery plant performance evaluation system of the current situation, combined with the management of human resources and marketing-related knowledge, the use of performance evaluation and the basic principles of the practice in the enterprise survey, first proposed the existence of enterprises by types of major issues, such performance indicators are not comprehensive, the lack of qualitative indicators and quantitative indicators, such as the combination. To address such problems, the use of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to identify new foreign machinery plant indicators of performance evaluation and the evaluation index system to ensure its feasibility. On this basis, the combination in the new mechanical plant on-site training, and library books online and query the information for the xinyang machinery plant suitable for the establishment of a new corporate marketing staff to assess the system performance. Finally, the implementation of the system, in the use of process, a reasonable solution to the implementation of the difficulties encountered in order to improve the plight of enterprises.
Key words: Human Resource; Marketing Staff; Performance Evaluation; 

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 绩效评估在国内外研究状况综述 1
1.2.1 国外研究状况 1
1.2.2 国内研究状况 2
1.3 论文研究的意义 2
1.4 论文的研究内容 2
2 绩效评估的理论基础 3
2.1 绩效评估的简介 3
2.2 绩效评估方法 4
2.3 绩效评估流程的设计 5
2.3.1 绩效评估流程设计中的原则 6
2.3.2 绩效评估程序流程中的四个阶段 6
2.4 绩效评估的步骤 9
3 新洋机械厂营销人员绩效评估体系的建立 10
3.1 企业简介 10
3.2企业绩效评估现状和问题分析 10
3.3 新洋机械厂绩效评估体系的设计思路 11
3.4 新洋机械厂绩效评估体系的设计过程 12
3.4.1 评估导向的确立 12
3.4.2 指标提取与筛选 13
3.4.3 指标权重的确定 14
3.4.4 关键绩效指标KPI的选择 19
3.5 对新建立的评估体系进行评价 20
4 新洋机械厂新建立营销人员绩效评估体系的实施运用 21
4.1新体系在实践中存在的困难及成功实施的保证 21
4.2 新洋机械厂绩效评估新体系的运用 23
4.2.1 确定被评估者 23
4.2.2 评估及奖励办法 23
4.2.3 绩效面谈 23
4.3 对新建立的绩效评估体系运用效果进行评价 24
5 总结 25
参 考 文 献 26
致 谢 27


  • 毕业论文-新洋机械厂营销人员绩效评估体系的建立
  • doc新洋机械厂营销人员绩效评估体系的建立.doc  [292.50KB]

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