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毕业设计 边缘特征提取及其在图像匹配中的应用研究

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图像匹配(Image Matching)是计算机视觉和图像处理领域中一项非常重要的工作。图像匹配技术是实现图像融合、图像校正、图像镶嵌以及目标识别与跟踪的关键步骤之一,已经广泛应用在图像识别以及图像重建等领域中。简单来说,图像匹配就是找到两幅不同图像之间的空间位置关系。图像匹配主要可分为基于灰度的匹配和基于特征的匹配。

Image matching is an important research topic in the fields of computer vision and image processing.Image matching technique is one of the key steps to achieve image fusion,image correction,image mosaic,as well as target recognition and tracking and has been widely used in the areas of image recognition and image reconstruction.In a word ,image matching is to find the spatial relationship between the two different images.Image matching can be divided into gray-based and feature-based matching.
The paper firstly classified and briefly described the existing image matching methods and analysed the research background .Secondly,the paper explained several common algorithms of existing image matching ,especially,the algorithm of edge feature-based matching.
Edge is one of the most fundamental and significant features.Edge detection is always one of the most classical studying projects of computer vision and image processing field.The fist step of image analysis and understanding is edge detection.The goal of edge detection is to recover information about shapes and reflectance or transmittance in an image.It is one of the fundamental steps in image processing ,image analysis,image patter recognition,and computer vision,as well as in human vision.The correctness and reliability of its results affect directly the comprehension machine system made for objective word. The summary for basic edge detection methods was made.Using Canny method detect edge and then make image matching, finding our the correct location. Firstly, making the matching under the ideal condition; besides, making the image matching of the basic image which was rotated. Finally,analyzing the result.
Key words:image matching,edge detection,edge feature,image processing

第一章 绪论 5
1.1 课题背景、意义 5
1.2 基于特征的图像匹配研究状况 6
1.3 各章简介 7
第二章 图像匹配理论和基本方法 8
2.1 图像匹配的概述 8
2.1.1 图像匹配的概念 8
2.1.2 图像匹配方法的一般步骤 8
2.1.3 影响图像匹配的主要因素 9
2.1.4 基于特征的图像匹配概述 10
2.2 图像匹配原理 11
2.2.1 数学描述 11
2.2.2 空间几何变换 11
2.3 基于像素灰度相关的匹配方法 13
2.4 基于特征的匹配方法 14
2.4.1 基于边缘特征的匹配方法 16
2.4.2 图像匹配方法的流程 16
第三章 图像边缘检测与提取 18
3.1 图像边缘检测与提取概述 18
3.1.1 图像边缘的定义 19
3.1.2 图像边缘检测算法的研究内容 20
3.1.3 图像边缘检测算法的主要应用 21
3.2 图像边缘检测与提取 22
3.3 边缘检测与提取主要算法 24
3.3.1 Roberts边缘检测算子 24
3.3.2 Sobel边缘算子 24
3.3.3 Prewitt边缘算子 25
3.3.4 Log边缘算子 25
3.3.5 Canny边缘算子 27
第四章 基于边缘特征的图像匹配MATLAB仿真 30
4.1 MATLAB概述 30
4.1.1 MATLAB特点 30
4.1.2 MATLAB主要功能 30
4.1.3 MATLAB在图像处理中的应用 31
4.2基于MATLAB的边缘检测 32
4.3 基于MATLAB的图像匹配 34
4.4 基于边缘特征的图像匹配 37
4.5 旋转后的图像匹配 40
第五章 全文总结 42
参考文献 43
致谢 45
毕业设计小结 46


  • 毕业设计-边缘特征提取及其在图像匹配中的应用研究
  • 云震霖-191002-103612
  • doc云 论文.doc  [1.31MB]
  • doc云文献译文.doc  [1.99MB]
  • ppt云答辩.ppt  [794.00KB]

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