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毕业论文 旅游景区可持续发展研究

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摘 要
关键词:景区 可持续发展 问题 对策

Number of tourists continues to rise in recent years, while the increase in number of tourists to scenic resource protection increasing pressure, frequent resource conservation issues. And, with the rapid development of the tourism industry and tourists to improve taste, tourists to the scenic area management, services, products and other requirements is also rising, no longer satisfied with the extensive services and the traditional tourist products, required area enhance the realization of management and service and product innovation. Also, in recent years, China’s scenic spots and community conflicts, problems in the management system has also exposed more and more clearly. These problems have seriously hampered the development of our area. Therefore, the depth of the problem area become a pressing need for sustainable development.
In this paper, the combination of theory and reality, based on empirical and normative analysis phase, principles and method of case analysis echoes the ecological environment of China’s scenic spots in the problems of sustainable development and Solutions conducted a comprehensive analysis. Firstly, our area of the theory of sustainable development: sustainable development theory, stakeholder theory, community theory briefly described in order to lay a theoretical analysis of the back cushion. Second, enter the main part, from the analysis of the ecological environment and scenic status quo of research in the sustainable development of the area prone to the problem, then put forward some countermeasures and suggestions. Finally, the author of the scenic area of sustainable development issues were the main empirical analysis and policy for sustainable development area specific proposals.
Keywords:Scenic Sustainable development Problems Countermeasures

目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究的意义 1
1.3研究的主要内容 2
1.4研究思路 2
1.5国内外研究现状 2
1.5.1国内旅游景区可持续发展研究现状 2
1.5.2国外旅游景区可持续发展研究现状 3
2 旅游景区可持续发展概念及相关理论 4
2.1旅游景区概念 4
2.2研究的理论基础 4
2.2.1可持续发展理论 4
2.2.2利益相关者理论 5
2.2.3社区参与理论概述 5
3 旅游景区面临的环境问题 7
3.1旅游景区生态环境的破坏 7
3.1.1生物多样性减少 7
3.1.2土壤破坏 7
3.1.3地质灾害 8
3.2旅游景区的环境污染 8
3.2.1大气污染 8
3.2.2水体污染 9
3.2.3固体废物污染 9
3.2.4建筑污染 10
4 旅游景区环境问题产生的根源 11
4.1旅游景区环境破坏的自然因素 11
4.2旅游景区环境破坏的人为因素 11
5 旅游景区环境保护与可持续发展的对策与建议 14
5.1端正旅游景区开发的指导思想 14
5.2采取奖励措施,鼓励游客参与环保 14
5.3增强环保意识,强化法制观念 14
5.4提倡文明旅游,杜绝旅游污染 15
5.5加强游客管理,环境容量管理 15
5.6开展生态旅游,增加环保经费 15
6 实证分析 17
6.1武陵源风景名胜区环境问题现状 17
6.2武陵源风景名胜区环境问题成因 18
6.3武陵源风景名胜区环境保护对策 19
6.3.1认真科学规划,保护重于泰山 19
6.3.2增加环保投入,完善治理机制 20
6.3.3积极宣传引导,提高环保意识 20
6.3.4加大执法力度,严格以法办事 21
7 结语 22
致 谢 23
参考文献: 24


  • 毕业论文-旅游景区可持续发展研究
  • doc旅游景区可持续发展研究.doc  [101.00KB]

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