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毕业论文 The Pragmatic Failure of Polite Expression in Communication

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毕业论文-The Pragmatic Failure of Polite Expression in Communication,说明书共18页,5761字。
Introduction 1
1. Theory Background 2
1.1 Leech’s Principles 2
1.2 Gu Yueguo’s Principles 4
1.3 Cross-culture Communication 6
1.4 Pragmatic Failure 7
1.4.1 Pragmalinguistic Failure 8
1.4.2 Sociopragmatic Failure 9
2. The Cases of Pragmatic Failure 10
2.1 Considerations of Linguistic Rules 10
2.1.1 Addressing 10
2.1.2 Euphemism 11
2.1.3 Tag Question 11
2.1.4 Offering 11
2.1.5 Response 11
2.2 Considerations of Social Culture 12
2.2.1 Greetings 12
2.2.2 Compliment 12
2.2.3 Acknowledgement to Invitation 13
2.2.4 Farewell 13
3. The Methods of Avoiding Pragmatic Failure 13
3.1 Studying Pragmalinguistic Knowledge 14
3.2 Studying Knowledge of Western Culture 14
3.2.1 Communicating with Native English Speakers Frequently 14
3.2.2 Consciousness of Learning and Respecting Foreign Cultures. 15
Conclusion 15
Bibliography 16
Acknowledgements 17

With the development of politics and economics, the world is quite different. It becomes smaller and no longer isolated. More and more countries are frequently involved in the communicating activities of economics, politics and culture. Our earth has become a global village because of the development of traffic. The people from different countries become closer like neighborhoods. When people of different culture backgrounds communicate with each other, misunderstandings as well as conflicts come up because of the difference of language and culture. It’s not only a question of language but also a big challenge of culture. Now, china contacts more with other countries. At the same time, the English language has become the most widespread medium of international communication. More and more Chinese people use English as their second language.
We know that language is the most important human communication tool for human thinking. Polite expression is a certain part of language among people’s communicating. Courtesy, as an integral part of the ritual attached importance by human since the mankind entered the era of civilization. It is not only a symbol of social civilization and progress but also it can help people establish and maintain good interpersonal relationships. As an observable social phenomenon, polite expression is a norm of behavior which is agreed by people from societies. People will work hard to be polite in communication. Because people use polite language in order to establish a bridge of smoother communicating between them, to establish a good personal image in communication. So polite and polite language is a very common phenomenon existed in every country. Also, they are the important part of cultural in every country. Therefore, people from the same country and different country both need to use polite language. But there are many differences of individual culture of polite language besides some common characters of it in every country. When people from different native cultural backgrounds use polite language in communication, some native people will use their native language expression to explain or express some thing to foreigners. Sometimes they make the foreigners think that they are rude or misunderstanding each other’s manners, which seriously effects the communication because of these individual differences, because they don’t know the using of language and the culture of different country.
In this article, the author will use the theory of language and culture or others in the language and culture area to explore and resolve the problems of concept, types, causes and ways of pragmatic failure of polite language in cross-cultural communication, so that we can have a clear, comprehensive and profound understanding of pragmatic failure of polite language. Also, it can help us better to overcome the negative impact on practice of communication because of the pragmatic failure of polite language. Learning pragmatic failure of polite language is essential.


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