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毕业论文 会展旅游与河南经济发展的探讨

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摘 要
20世纪90年代以来,我国会展旅游业以每年20%左右的速度 呈现出高速增长的发展态势,行业经济效益逐年攀升,场馆建设日益完善,已成为现代服务业的重要组成部分。河南省会展旅游经过几年的发展,已经初具规模,但其综合实力水平并不高,因此,本文以河南作为研究对象,来探讨会展旅游相关问题,以期能为河南省会展旅游的发展提供一些有益的借鉴。
关键词:会展旅游 河南经济发展

The MICE tourism has become a popular form of the tourism . It’s called "tour crown jewels" because of its huge economic efficiency and the social efficiency.As a new "smokeless industry", it is causing worldwide attention. International exhibition industrial output value accounts for about 1% of world GDP, if combined with the related industries, to benefit from an exhibit on global economic contribution exhibition organizers, the level of which will reach 8%. The main developed countries and regions all attaches great importance to the development of mice tourism and take it as a very important industry to development and management, the western developed countries for a hundred years and exhibition tourism has the accumulation and development history, the overall strength is strong, larger scale.
Since the 1990s, China’s exhibition tourism show growth development at the rate of about 20% annually.It has become an important part of modern service industry for the economic benefits rise and the venues increasingly year by year. With the development of Henan’s convention-exhibition tourism,it has begun to take shape, but its overall strength level is not high enough.Therefore, this article takes the Henan province as the research object and to discusses related issues, in order to provide some useful reference.
This article mainly composes of six chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, mainly talking about the background and significance of MICE tourism and Henan’s economic development. And summarizes the domestic and foreign literature for the research situation of convention-exhibition tourism through the query;The development of convention-exhibition tourism is still not mature in our country for much confusion, chapter two is related to the definition of the MICE tourism, and expounds the basic characteristics of convention-exhibition tourism and function, detailed the relations between the exhibition industry and tourism;From the investigation of present situation of Henan’s exhibition industry and tourism ,and using the method of SWOT to analysis the development of the tourism industry in Henan; Chapter three declared that the MICE tourism has become a kind of trend for the development of Henan and Chinese tourism industry for the interaction between MICE tourism and the development of Henan economic,which brought to the effectiveness of all aspects can not be underestimated. Through the above content, the fifth chapter pur forward to the suggestion of the development of the tourism industry in Henan province; The sixth chapter given a comprehensive summary.
Keywords: MICE tourism Henan economic development

目 录
1 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 相关文献综述 3
1.2.1 国外文献综述 3
1.2.2 国内文献综述 4
2 会展旅游的概念与特征 5
2.1 会展旅游的概念、特征及功能 5
2.1.1 会展旅游的定义 5
2.1.2 会展旅游的基本特征 6
2.1.3 会展旅游的功能 8
2.2 会展业与旅游业的关系 10
2.2.1 会展业与旅游业的关联性 10
2.2.2 会展业与旅游业的差异性 10
2.2.3 会展业与旅游业的互动性 11
3 河南会展旅游业发展现状和SWOT分析 13
3.1 河南省会展旅游发展的现状 13
3.1.1 河南省会展业发展现状 13
3.1.2 河南省旅游业发展现状 14
3.1.3 河南省会展旅游发展现状 16
3.2 河南省会展旅游发展的SWOT分析 16
3.2.1 河南省发展会展旅游的优势(Strengths) 16
3.2.2 河南省发展会展旅游的劣势(Weaknesses) 18
3.2.3 河南省发展会展旅游的机遇(Opportunities) 20
3.2.4 河南省发展会展旅游的威胁(Threats) 21
4 会展旅游与河南经济的关系 22
4.1 会展旅游对河南经济发展的促进作用 22
4.1.1 经济发展的“助推器” 22
4.1.2 城市形象的“塑造器”和“展示器” 22
4.1.3 城市技术与信息的“传播机” 23
4.1.4 人员就业的“接收器” 23
4.1.5 相关产业发展的“辐射器” 23
4.2 河南经济发展对会展旅游的反作用 24
4.2.1 经济实力为会展旅游的发展提供根本保障 24
4.2.2 经济发展为会展旅游的开展奠定了基础 25
4.2.3 经济发展为会展旅游提供更加广阔的发展空间 25
5 促进河南会展旅游发展的建议 26
5.1 提高认识水平,明确市场定位 26
5.2 加强配套实施建设,开发和营销新的旅游产品 26
5.3 建立健全管理机构,完善各层次管理工作 26
5.4 发展商贸,增强城市经济实力 27
5.5 加快场馆设施建设,创造会展旅游发展的良好环境 27
5.6 提高旅游业接待能力 27
5.7 培育名牌会展项目 28
5.8 加快人才培养,建立 PCO 提供智力保障 28
6 总 结 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31


  • 毕业论文-会展旅游与河南经济发展的探讨
  • doc会展旅游与河南经济发展的探讨.doc  [120.50KB]

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