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毕业论文 开关功率放大器的研究

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  毕业论文 开关功率放大器的研究(共54页,23006字,附图纸,开题报告和中期检查表)
   摘 要
   最后,论文设计了一个基于PWM 的开关功率放大器,并对开关式功率放大器主电路结构、控制逻辑、驱动电路、输出滤波电路、监控电路等进行了设计,并重点分析了各部分构造和原理。
   关键词:功率放大器;开关功率放大器; 脉宽调制
   As an enlargement electric circuit, the power amplifier has obtained the widespread application in very many domains, for instance,sound, magnetism bearing,electrical power system mix simulation and so on.The linear amplifier has the low distortion, the linearity is good and so on ,therefore, the overwhelming majority power amplifier still mainly used in the linear circuit. But its loses is very serious and the efficiency is low, in order to overcome these shortcomings, we proposed the switch power amplifier. In overseas, its research has already achieved very high level, for example, as early as 2000, Japan has already successfully developed 10KW, the maximum output frequency was the 100KHZ switch power amplifier, its entire frequency band scope THD all is smaller than 10%. In our country, many researchers has researched based on half bridge, the entire bridge, the multi-electricity equal electric circuit switch power amplifier, moreover, also has in the single week control aspect involves.
   At first the paper has introduced the power amplifier, including its classification, its main technical specification, several kinds of common enlargement circuitry, and analyzed the switch power amplifier principle of work as well as its analysis situs expansion.The article emphatically chooses the triangle carrier PWM control plan, thus achieves the improvement output wave shape quality and the enhancement output frequency.
   Finally, the paper has designed a switch power amplifier based on the PWM, and introduced the switch type power amplifier main circuit structure, the control logic, actuated the electric circuit, the output filter circuit, the monitoring circuit and so on ,then carried on the design, and has analyzed various section constructions and the principle with emphasis.
   Key words: power amplifier switch power amplifier pulse-duration modulation;
   目 录
   1 前言 1
   1.1 功率放大器简介 1
   1.2 线性功率放大器的缺点 5
   1.3 开关功率放大器提出的意义 5
   1.4 改善D类开关放大器性能的主要措施 6
   1.5 D类功率放大器国内外发展现状 7
   1.6 本课题研究的意义及内容 8
   1.7 本章小结 9
   2 功率放大器的简介 10
   2.1 线性功率放大器的分类 10
   2.1.1 A类放大器 10
   2.1.2 B类放大器 11
   2.1.3 C类放大器 11
   2.2 非线性功率放大器的分类 11
   2.3 OCL、OTL和BTL电路的介绍 12
   2.3.1 互补对称功率放大电路 13
   2.3.2 桥式推挽功率放大电路 14
   2.4 本章小结 15
   3 D类功率放大器的放大原理与调制 16
   3.1 D类功率放大器的基本结构和放大原理 16
   3.2 D类功率放大器的调制 17
   3.2.1 阶梯波脉宽调制 21
   3.2.2 正弦波脉宽调制(SPWM) 21
   3.2.3 本设计采用的调制方法 22
   3.3 本章小结 24
   4 D类放大器的样机设计简介 25
   4.1 一般D类功放组成情况和分类 25
   4.2 开关音频功率放大器样机一 26
   4.3 开关音频功率放大器样机二 30
   4.4 对样机一些参数的测量 32
   4.5 本章小结 33
   5 功率放大电路的拓扑扩展 34
   5.1 半桥电路 34
   5.2 二级电路 35
   5.2.1全桥电路 35
   5.2.2 半桥Interleave电路 36
   5.2.3 三电平电路 37
   5.3 本章小结 38
   6 基于PWM 的开关功率放大器的设计 39
   6.1 主电路设计 40
   6.1.1主电路结构 40
   6.1.2 控制逻辑 41
   6.1.3 驱动电路 41
   6.2 输出滤波电路设计 42
   6.3 监控电路设计 43
   6.4 实验结果 44
   6.5 结论 46
   6.6 本章小结 46
   7 结论与展望 47
   致 谢 48
   参考文献 49


  • 毕业论文-开关功率放大器的研究
  • 开关功率放大器的研究--毕业论文
  • 毕业设计论文
  • doc开关功率放大器的研究.doc  [777.39KB]
  • 开题报告和中期检查表
  • doc开题报告.doc  [18.50KB]
  • doc中期检查表.doc  [17.50KB]
  • 图纸
  • JPG大图.JPG  [222.01KB]
  • docA3图纸.doc  [45.50KB]

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